Monday, January 7, 2008

FSU Editorial: "Gold & Silver: Gold Up in Price Against all Paper Currency" by Douglas Gnazzo 01/07/2008

Brothers and Sisters, it's Boomer time, though in actuality it's really
Boomer ..time out. And starting this year all those dreams and allusions are
soon going to be ..tested.
The problem for the Boomers is they believed their own myths. That this time
with them it would be different and that the horn of plenty had wheels and
they where just going to pull it along with to the sunset... of
magazine land.
Sunset, is the VERY unacknowledged but accepted Boomer bible. oh no! well
why is it on the liv. rm table or the actual reading room of all Boomers

Most Boomers don't have diddly and some know and some will soon be finding
out. Retirement planners where also Boomers and planned from the economics'
of their early years. The years before the factories all rusted and the jobs
went to former rice fields.
Boomers love mutual funds and any form of group investment as it's so

Which means (if you don't get it) no one is going tobe paying into the funds
for those who are now entitled to sit on their duffs. The funds are going
broke from buying such as muni bonds and bundled mortgages or housing
industry stock. Everything is now considered well below loan rating and that
translates as a high interest rating.
I understand the stock market has now been designated as being in Bear land.
Go to just Google business news, and you will notice heads are being lopped
from the Gods of money. If those guys are suffering you can be sure the
friggen boomers are going to be made to feel pain aswell. For who loves a
Boomer? And especially a spoilt and broke boomer.

And a certain percentage of the Duffers (if i may, and u better get used to
it cause boomers u are no more) decided during the plastic real estate
market bubble to take a little cash back and buy the boat and second home
early. "Hey, we worked hard and we deserve it and the kids will thank us

OK, all the above is or has now melted in to a plastic pile on the floor and
the money is not coming back and now the CPI is going way up and the
investments where all a fake and who wants a boat to drag behind the fucking
gas guzzler? Or the house in suburbia which is know up side down that they
planned to sell for the mythical million?

Yes, what's a boy or girl to do? Especially, since they both now need meds
to keep going.... like mowing the lawn and which they both now hate.

Larry, Do you have a point? Jesus, you are a drag!  We'll How about this for
starters! You aint seen nothing yet. Just wait until they start shoveling
all that 'stuff' in the direction of the fan.

We have just started on the trail back to a place we have forgotten ever
existed. It was called hard times and the name still seems suitable and
descriptive too me.
So if you can sell anything and down size and their is room in the door
way.. i suggest that is where you want to be going.
Tangibles.... is what will be needed and a car on a truck body or house full
of trinkets is just another house full of trinkets.

And for that part time job to make ends meet try renting near by and see if
you can also rent the suburban white elephant to a family of fire bugs.
"Officer, they told us they where born again Christian and they where
lighting those candles for our black as night souls."
We'll you will have to say something if you want to get the insurance money.

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