Thursday, January 10, 2008

Fw: FS Editorial:Â "$53 Trillion and Growing" by James Turk 01/09/2008

A forwarded msg that i doubt many out their will be surprise by.

Though i believe the significance is that people continue to believe this
will not impact on them. And if it does it will be less for some than
others. The conclusion being we will just have too muddle through.
Don't count on it as their is really no one below us from the perspectives
of the rulers.
We are all the same for those looking down on us from the top and we should
expect equal lack of concern or consideration.

Maybe it's time i sent out some Ron Paul for President literature.
My current thinking is the best vote is the vote that's the most effective
in opposing the rulers and the reactionaries.
And for me that description includes the corporate world of investment
bankers and arms manufactures along with the pharmaceutical corporation and
the hospital (health care) corporations. Yes, the incorporated national
blood suckers.

So if i don't want to vote for a candidate who has supported the wars and
aswell the Zionist...and yet has the..... slightest chance of being heard in
the media black out i will pick Ron Paul who is a Republican congressman
from Texas.
Protest vote! when hasn't it been a protest vote to the prevailing insanity?
And as to the argument "we can change from within" and usually referring to
the Democratic party since it had more fractions. Both the Democrat's and
the Republican parties are now controlled by the corporations and the
lobbyist and of course Zionist money. You have heard the statement follow
the money.
If their is going tobe any change in the future ..for the better it can only
come from maverick's such as Paul who are not indebted to the Party leaders
and their purses.
Independents or third party candidates have the chance of the snow flake in
the desert.
Today with the issues of climate change, peak oil, an acknowledged
collapsing economy and the likelihood of marshal law as a response doesnt
leave us with undefined options. We no longer have the slack to be casual in
who we support.
Sound government with sound money and the bill of Rights is what we need to
advocate and support.
Ron Paul has that position and has had it for all the many effective years
he has been in congress.

Your question might be is this actually possible?
We'll my response is corporate fascism is very possible and we will all be
invited to the barbeque if that happens. So yes, Paul becoming the
Republican candidate and consolidating the voters for sound issues is very
Will they let it happen? Not with out one big fight which i think we would
all enjoy winning.

----- Original Message -----
From: Harold 
To: Larry Lewis
Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2008 3:14 PM
Subject: FS Editorial:Â  "$53 Trillion and Growing" by James Turk 01/09/2008

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