Tuesday, January 8, 2008

lil family story

Recently talking with a women who is of fifth generation English decent
though born in Pakistan and trained in the medical field..

she told me an interesting story that while working in Afghan refugee camps
she would sometimes be asked to document the refugees stories.

One refugee women in her forties told her a story of her family.
The family lived in the mountains and alone with their sheep or goats.
And seasonally they had a very small mud hut and no other building. Their
was a small tree near by where they would go and sit to eat.

One day she took the meal for them to eat under the tree and the family
stayed for a moment longer in the hut. A few children and just the father.
She was facing away from the hut and laying the meal on a ground cloth.
When she turned back the hut had disappeared into smoke their was nothing.
She never heard a plane or a shell coming it along with her family just
vaporized in the explosion.

She is the only one left from her small immediate family.

Apparently it was a high flying unmanned craft which fired a missile. The
U.S. was just cleaning up all the little buildings out in the mountains and
the family along with others was collateral damage.
It was not a mistake on the part of the U.S. military it is just something
'that had to be done' and they would rather not talk about.
But I'm sure you won't tell them i mentioned it.

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