Saturday, September 24, 2011


We'll this maybe more contrived on the part of US intelligence and Pentagon than it appears.

They are not doing anything that will be effective to counter the ISI with these: "We are Shocked!" announcements;
that their dear ally Pakistan is playing other games besides the ones the US wants to play.
Are they going to go to war with Pakistan? I don't think so!
I can recall a couple of incidents in recent history and one such as the strafing of the USS Liberty in 67 by the Israels.
We just covered it up after the two Israel planes where driven off.
Casualties? was it 179 US sailors.? and it was no mistake of identity.

What has worked with Pakistan in the past has been bribes by the US ...and in the billions.
But i think Pakistan has it's own agenda with regards to Afghanistan and they just want the Empire out ASAP.
And we can be sure some discussion regarding the eviction of the Empire has taken place by other big players along with Pakistan.

Russia and China would probably be very logistically supportive of Pakistan as neither wants the US in Asia.
And I'm sure they would be more than supportive of Pakistan if it decides to be 'assertive' with the US.
Supportive might mean commodities such as oil and coal and industrial equipment. And these are all things the US doesn't have to give.
Pakistan has never been a US colony and their are few things Pakistan's wants or that they like about the 'Crusader Empire'.

So ISI being sloppy and giving operates cell phones to call them just doesn't sound like they didn't know who had what and where they where calling from.
I just don't think they care what the US knows or does as they see the US in the this area as history and they have the backing to know let the Pentagon and the CIA know it.
The Drones have been very effective but the Packy's don't like whats happening and they want total control and so they are upping the anty.

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