Monday, September 19, 2011

Under a green sky. Peter Ward;_ylc=X3oDMTNoMjk2cTVmBF9TAzEzNjk3MDUxBGFjdANtYWlsX2NiBGN0A2EEaW50bAN1cwRsYW5

To support the conclusions offered in the above article i suggest we refer to a number of other authors and which i will list a few below.

Peter Ward teaches at the University Washington, Ward describes the documented history of the oceans when the temperatures have risen in the past and the chemical structure of the ocean became significantly acid.
The seas turned into a thick green viscus soup and nothing but bacteria was able to survive.
This has happened a number of times in the distant past of the earths history and has been described by more than one researcher.
Under a Green Sky, happens to be the title of a recent book by Ward on this subject.

The other phenomena which is occurring is the.... melting of the enormous fields of methane hydrate at the bottom of oceans
and under the tundra in Siberia and Northern Alaska. This is considered to be very potentially dangerous to... all life.
Methane hydrate is defined as frozen methane and which is flammable and explosive.
And if that wasn't enough, methane also is 23 times more CO2 producing than just burning hydro carbons as we do with engine exhaust.
The magnitude of the fields of frozen methane are beyond our comprehension since this is not an area that can be easily investigated.

And then we also have the PH of the oceans changing from alkaline to acid. The oceans are an enormous CO2 sink both from continental runoff and atmospheric pollution.
Ocean life cannot sustain in a acid solution. 
Actually, we give geographic ocean areas separate names but they are really all one ocean and with relatively the same solution levels.

And one of the few things that the movie : The Day After Tomorrow, 
probably got right was the ocean conveyor current which is very evident in the Atlantic is 
temperature sensitive as the difference between the ocean water 'layers' generates a warm current and which 
increases the ambient continental temperature of Europe and the British Ilse.
If this temperature induced current is disrupted and actually it has been is the distant past, the land climates will again be seriously affected.

When inland water from the Great Lakes in the past entered the North Atlantic ocean due to snow melt this 
affected the conveyor current. And it's speculated the engine stopped, but then fortunately resumed. '
The science journalist Elizabeth Kolbert, interviewed the 'field scientist' and she then described their conclusions in: Field Notes on a Catastrophe. published: 2006 

Gregory Benford, a science professor at UC Irvine has also written a number of award winning SciFi novels.
And as i recall one published in the early nineties describes a red tide in the 'Pacific'  ocean that expands and then takes on
a life of its own. The oceans chemistry apparently had become a growth solution for the algae bloom.
So Benford was describing what was suspected would be happening in the future.

All of this comes under the heading of 'feed back loops'. Though not the primary cause nor the predictable result of some 
significant triggered earth climate phenomena that could not be directly predicted.
And so happenings such as ocean temperature increases may trigger more frequent cyclones and hurricanes, and maybe experienced where neither had been experienced before.

When senior independent scientist such as James Lovelock, conclude the surface species survival odds are limited. We should consider that it's possible these people who investigate the 'earth system sciences' may have justifiable reasons to reach these dismal conclusions.
Earth system science, is the term which is used when scientist are publishing papers on the Gaia theory.
I think it is correct that this was first formally proposed in 1972 by: James Lovelock.
And what it comes down to is the earth is self aware in the sense it continually is managing the earths surface conditions for it's optional well being.
The earth when experiencing that purpose maybe termed: Gaia, and which was the name of the earth goddess which the Greeks had adopted.
The earths surface animals can experience a role in the earth balance, but are not considered a necessity for the earths well being.
Gaia is indifferent to those who dwell on the surface and is not inflicting punishment when it rebalances to its preferred steady state.

We may reach the conclusion the earth is not here just for us and actually be able to justify that view point.
As to spiritual interaction or spiritual awareness those living close to the earth seem far more likely to be suited to reach any spiritual conclusions.

Though i would offer that the Panspermia concepts which is defining cosmic originating seem to sustain.
For those not familiar with Panspemia Cosmic Theory and it is obscure, if we consider this planet is floating through a sea of particles and which contain consciousness from the universe in general, then a seeding process is continually being experienced.
Terrance McKenna, (recently deceased) Rupert Sheldrake and Ralph Abraham maybe considered relatively current authors proposing versions of this general theory which includes Morphagentic Energy theory and Abraham's definitions and conclusions on chaos.

And i recognise this is long and rambling, but describing such dismal possibilities for the earths future, needs some balance and spirituality is probably the best option to consider.

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