Monday, December 19, 2011

Who can we trust?

It comes down to who can we trust?
These are the rich upper crust who tell us: it's the welfare cheats that are ruining the nations economy.
In other words for the nations dumb-bo's, just don't look up! It's the slobs next door or the spics and you know what and who! 
If you happen to be getting a pension thats funded by investments, dont worry if it goes under these guys are your friends and they will help find a bridge to jump off!
It has turned out that MF Global had a built in a little trap door to steal the supposedly untouchable customers funds.
They transferred the funds to a subsidiary in GB where the security laws are different.
So they could steal what they want as they where not directly involved.

You may have noticed they have not prosecuted any of the big guys and apparently their is no plans too.
Though a couple of guys at Fannie may and mac who may now have to take the fall.
As one big market trader admitted on CNN recently the government doesn't make the financial decisions it's Goldman Sachs calling the shots.

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