Saturday, April 19, 2008

The earth, the animals and CO2 blanket

It seems we generally would rather choke to death and currently pay $115 bbl for crude oil than give up our CO2 producing motor vehicles. So if that's the way 'it is' we may want to consider another option to reduce petroleum use. And yes, i am aware of the promised wonders of the electric car and which i consider an energy illusion such as the current over heated panacea ...ethanol fuels. And maybe by using more hydroelectric and nuclear power sources we could delay the day of transportation energy reckoning. But even with those possible options it will be short term and not a solution.. Also, neither is suitable as a mobile fuel. Petroleum and the industrial/transportation society are inseparable.
We are all living in a green gas chamber so as to options if we continue as we are the options for all of us will soon be either a quick gulp or holding our breaths for a few seconds longer while fiddling with the electric 'plug in's' and the innovative combustion fuel mixes.
Giving up our meat/dairy addictions is what i am proposing we do... first. A meat/dairy based human diet requires more energy and produces more pollution than all of the... transportation fuels... we use combined. Remember, we grow grains to feed 'live stock' which we then eat. And it doesnt get any less energy efficient than that equation.
The option. As and option to parting with the petroleum fueled vehicles I am suggesting people may want to consider going to a vegetable based diet.
It would require no new and massive technical innovations. Just eating what grows from the ground including the grains we now feed to the animals that we in turn then eat while millions of people starve. I found these statistics that may justify this approach at this site and I'm sure their are many other detailed statistics being offered.
And also with this grain/veggie approach we would be much more healthy and all of us better fed. Someone might are being facetious. But isn't this the reality of the situation if we look at the energy consumption figures being presented. And as too the question of how would we implement these changes?

Simple... just start know and switch to a vegetable diet. No special training or degree required. This change-over would at some point include no liquor or tobacco which are both enormous energy consumers. Maybe we don't want to confront addiction and indulgence as well as saving the world all at once. But you know you had planned to quit the evil weed and the devil's brew anyway. And seriously saving the world is our priority. We are loosing our walk about rights and patching things up just will not work. first, of course. But the pay off which is continued life for all the planets species is the ultimate reward. In fact, if i maybe candid and not intending any offence to anyone. Isn't life for 'all species' far more rewarding than the mythical eternal life for us that so many of the worlds religions offer to their followers?
I want to mention another option that i am not hearing about at the moment but I'm sure will soon recycle which is space travel and colonization of other solar systems. Though this is presented as a serious possibility and may actually be possible if someone deciphers string theory and finds a back door through the membrane of time. And as you can see the proposal to eat your vegetable's.... is a lot closer to home for all of us.
So giving up eating other animals flesh and not consuming dairy lactates might now seem more a possibility than it did a moment ago.
The wheel.... in all forms is ultimitly our species absolute imbedded power symbol over all things on this planet. And of course consuming all the other animals just reaffirms for us that we are number one and on the top and it's all here for us. The down side of that elitist perspective is we have excluded ourselves from the other species and aswell the earth and the universe. Yeah, it makes us both lonely and it seems like... expendable. So i see it as a dead end perspective for survival. And unfortunately for everything including ourselves we seem to be willing to die for this misconstrued symbol of world domination.
And another comparison to consider. The earth... is not... a symbol...nor is it in any way for our consumption. It is the wheel of life and we can ride with it or all die on it. We can not define or bargain with creation.

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