Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Curry Spice May Counter Alzheimer's

The Turmeric powder has been found very effective for a range of complaints. And especially those which involve site inflammation: heart, arteries and possibly precancerous.
The research has been centered on inflammation for 10 or more years.
Other studies i have read indicate the with age adjusted groups from India and the U.S. Alzheimer's is much lower in the Indian group.
And just addressing Alzheimer's other supplements that are considered preventative are a couple of the B vitamins.. Foliate and B-12 come to mind. And the omega 3's are essential.
If you can find a kelp related source that maybe the way to go. It really all starts with Kelp and then works up the food chain until it gets to us.
As too turmeric dosage it is definitely a sliding scale. But a couple of capsules 3-4 times a week is sometimes mentioned.

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