Saturday, November 10, 2007

Ron Paul Schools Ben Bernanke Again

Decide for yourself on the issues of fiscal responsibility and credibility.
Congressman Ron Paul is from another era and expresses the economic politics of that era. He would have been a Midwestern  populist in a time long past.
He is actually a Texas Republican with a strong constituency but no party with fiscal credibility to build from. And Paul.... fortunately.... is not Ross Perot with some charts and no serious intention to change or save anyone including the nation.
The party Paul belongs too are now completely indifferent to the issues of monetary responsibility and the actual welfare and best interest of the people they are elected to represent.
They actually advocate deficit federal budgets as Cheney has stated.
All political parties are amalgams of different interests looking for common ground. The Republicans have never been able to homogenize those differences as the contradiction are too evident and too large.
And which are the extreme wealth of the eastern power elite and with a primary interest in power and money.
Verses the other major wing from the south and mid west clearly stating they are white 'Christians" with issues around what is now termed: Christian values.
Though again these are key words which we all know have multiple meanings.
As history has shown the nobility and the servants can never find a common ground other than they may say they pray to the same god. Though I have strong doubts about even that.
Seriously, do Episcopalians religious images relate to anything other than the Puritans and the high church of England? The north eastern white ruling class does not distinguish between the black or white.... in the south, It is just not an issue for them. Because they are not WASP such as themselves so they have to be managed... though maybe in different ways.
So it actually is a weak alliance as the northern power structure which has proven issues and since these are power and money they are not planning on sharing with their new 'friends' from the south.
Has much changed from the Republican convention of 1948? We'll it has become more evident as the north gets richer and south poorer (and it is) they can expect erosion within the ranks.
The first split off was the Libertarians and the Christian Right has never been truly above suspicion with the money class. You may recall insiders in even this administration refer to them as the "'crazies" The ruling class considers religion a tool not a perspective.
That is one of the reasons the attacks on the Democratic candidates have already become personal and vicious. The Republicans have no issues they can offer the poor cousins but reaction issues. Race, sex, religion and fear of immigrants taking their jobs are prominent and proven to instill even more fear.
And as to money to turn the wheels. Corporations and foreign interests control congress and the Administration. Follow the money is not a saying, it's a truism. 
Broad brush? Yes, of course as this is a time for concepts reflected against history.
We maybe going into terrible times as a nation and we are unified on few issues so we should define the differences. And especially since  they become paramount during economic contractions.  The concealed issue of class structure is a factor that has to be acknowledged. Otherwise we are just pecking at each other because their is not enough to go around since the ruling elite always eats first and last.
Of course, people don't believe their is a ruling class. Anyone can be president!  And especially if he is willing to take orders from the rulers.
As to Ron Paul the current conservative fire brand but dressed in a suit.
Is he heard? I would say: yes, he has allot of appeal as he makes sense and shows courage; but heard only within a limited audience.
Will he make headway as this country comes apart? Probably not, because the power in this nation is not interest in a rational solution to economic problems. Also, he has restricted his message to economic and fiscal responsibility. We are now far beyond that state of concern and for example we have abandoned the seniors and which is now the baby boomers and even health care for children.
And the favorite imported toy for children this Christmas maybe the water board. And why not? The newly chosen Attorney General cannot find fault with it.
It's Christmas morn and the dear tots are at play under the sparkly tree.
Which is the Christian image of life renewing. And a little voice is raised in gleeful joy. "Mommy, can i use my new water board on my lil sis Marylou?
Can I, Can I? Please mommy and besides she is a little terror. And of course good Mommy responds: "We'll just be careful as we don't have any health insurance."
Torture is the ultimate weapon of an oppressive regime. And that seems to be what we now are approaching.
Maybe they should do a make over for Jesus and stick him on a board with a bucket under his head.
Of course, they would have to change the sign to: He was drowned for your sins. And it could be a play on baptism....You know something catchy like..Get on board before the board gets you!
So you see they have a different agenda and that is control and economics are just one area they consider significant to remain in total control. 
But back to the congressional dialogue.
Is Bernanke answering Paul's questions? My conclusion is: No. He is enduring the lecture and he has no intention to seriously respond because that would take the discussion to a level of honesty that he cannot afford to illustrate.
So the prearranged tactic for Bernanke is to smile and be cryptic in response. The implication being Paul has to be endured since he is a yokel but not to be responded to in any way that will indicate his remarks or questions are factual or credible. For a one liner i would say: Bernanke tactic is if you can't beat-um...don't join um!
So we all wonder what is going to happen. Will this financial crisis pass?
I don't see how it could because nothing has been resolved and we have no new bubble to scramble after.
The dollar will continue to fall as more countries are selling than surely are buying. Doesn't add up? We'll no buyers! Then WE have to take the dollars back. And what's that mean for US? More... Inflation. 
North, South, East and West. 
And if their was a strong paper money in the western world with both backing and credibility that's where the money would be going. So those with money in dollars are looking for alternatives through diversification.
Oil futures, precious metals and commodity futures just to name a few.
Will the Fed lower interest rates further? They have already indicated they will though for appearances they would like to wait until January.
Is the mortgage markets free fall in all it's ramifications stabilizing? From what i read it's just getting started.
Will residential real estate find traction? Not with mortgages resetting and for at least another year and loans more difficult to obtain. As well as potential buyers just sitting it out.
Where is the bottom or where is up. We'll from what i read it is not on this side of the valley and we have a long and ugly trek before we get to the other side. 
And who will feel pain and maybe fall out along the way?
I don't think it will be those on top north or south.
That's our roll to play in this American tragedy which is now unfolding.

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