Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Why FAS 157 strikes dread into bankers | William Rees-Mogg - Times Online

It seems the banks have not been able to stop the coming about of what has
been reported as the "end of the world". 
And why might that be? We'll lets consider it from "The art of war"
The bankers say to themselves what is knew here? We all ready know bucket 3
is going to be full of junk from our investments. So after the assessment 
audit a lot more people are also going to know, so what?
Which means this financial garbage barge off the island of Manhattan becomes
freighting and embarrassing to the government and the public aswell.
And rather than us fat cats (investment banks) trying to talk the problem 
away or continue to slip some of the trash in with the pot roast what might
happen is the government panics.
And then sets up a dispersal agency which sells bucket 3 contents
for a quarter on the dollar and we get paid both ways. 

Just a thought as the upper echelon of investments banks are not interested
in the figures. For them it is deal making and concepts and saving their
skins. Which is some times referred to as the bottom line. 

I see you are still doubtful that it all could be financial and contrived.
Please consider Siedman and the S&L disaster in the early nineties. And the
government agency he set up just gave it away and in some cases to the same 
class who had just lost it.
Then their is LTCM (Long Term Capital Management) in 98 who lost it trying
to sell ice cubes to the Russian's and who actually like their Vodka neat
and room temperature.
And for that circus the Fed dressed the show up by have Warren Buffet come 
in and make it legit. But he told them never again. Oh, the LTCM losers
(traders) where back trading again within the year.

This time they will have to find someone devious to the extreme with a
personality of 'something' between a hangman and a Black Mamba .. 
And I offer an inflation penny for your answer!
Who out their said Condi Rice? We'll who ever you are you have one minute to
jump in bucket 3 and stuff your pockets.

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