Friday, February 1, 2008

Fw: MoveOn Members Endorse Obama

----- Original Message -----
From: "Peggy"
Subject: Re: MoveOn Members Endorse Obama

> Hi Larry,
> I've been a member of move-on for a long time. I don't think it's
> particularly women ......mostly, it's an anti-war group. In fact, they
> lost a lot of loyal members when they didn't stand strong on some war
> issue about a year or two ago. They took a lot of flak at the time. So,
> I'd say that the content is not primarily female progressive ....just
> anti-war progressives and probably the strongest anti-war group around.
> Peg.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "larrylewis"

> Sent: Friday, February 01, 2008 3:53 PM
> Subject: Fw: MoveOn Members Endorse Obama
>>I found this survey more than interesting and that the result are so
>>weighted to Obama's favor.
>> I don't know the make up of the MoveOn organization but i do notice when
>> i read their site they emphasis health, anti war and women's issues so i
>> suspect it is a women majority for subscribers. And progressive women
>> have been supporting Hilary on gender concerns but now other major issues
>> are coming into play.
>> Women have primarily got Hilary into the 'finals' which is a real triumph
>> in my opinion.
>> And since the candidate field has narrowed it has also leveled (one of
>> each) and maybe in the favor of Obama on emotional issues.
>> Bill may not be helping Hilary as people are wondering will we be getting
>> one or two Clintons? And who will be making the calls? I would think it
>> would be Hilary but then should we even need to consider this?
>> And the Caroline Kennedy and clan endorsement and statement of 'time for
>> a change' rang true and especially for allot of younger voters.
>> Obama just has allot less baggage bad and good and that's a plus if the
>> voters are disappointed with the lack of action by the sitting Democratic
>> Congress and especially around NOT bring the troops home and the looming
>> economic issues. Like... is that a lake or cesspool directly ahead?
>> If dramatic leadership and result are the issue Pelosi is no shining star
>> and maybe they haven't dotted the eyes or is it i's. But people are
>> scared this time and they don't want to make another mistake and vote for
>> a candidate who may also be 'influenced' by big money as well as a small
>> country in the middle east.
>> The election is not about who is going to win the election... the Demos
>> or the Repo's.
>> "Mommy, what's a Republican? Sweetie, it's just another name for
>> Dinosaurs and they are almost extinct."
>> So it's entirely between Obama and Clinton. A completely new occurrence
>> for presidential elections since WW2.
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: Eli Pariser, Political Action
>> To: larrylewisl
>> Sent: Friday, February 01, 2008 1:38 PM
>> Subject: MoveOn Members Endorse Obama
>> MoveOn members voted to endorse Barack Obama.
>> By volunteering these next four days before "Super Tuesday" we
>> can help elect a progressive president for the next four years. Can you
>> volunteer to help Obama win?
>> Volunteer today!
>> Vote results
>> Obama: 197,444
>> 70.4%
>> Clinton: 83,084
>> 29.6%
>> Dear MoveOn member,
>> With hundreds of thousands of ballots cast across the country, for the
>> first time in MoveOn's history, we've voted together to endorse a
>> presidential candidate in the primary. That candidate is Barack Obama.
>> Something big is clearly happening. A few weeks ago, MoveOn members we
>> surveyed were split. But with John Edwards bowing out, progressives are
>> coming together. Obama won over 70% of the vote yesterday, and he's
>> moving up in polls nationwide.1 As comments poured in from MoveOn members
>> across the country, the sense of hope was inspiring. Here's how Christine
>> Y. in New Jersey put it:
>> "I've never felt so strongly about any one candidate in my entire life.
>> He's truly an inspiration to all of us-especially the younger generation.
>> I will stand by him 100% for as long as he's willing to stand up and
>> fight for this country!"
>> What does MoveOn's endorsement mean? People-power. Together, we are 3.2
>> million Americans who care about our country and want change. Half of us
>> live in states with primaries or caucuses this coming "Super Tuesday."
>> We know how to roll up our sleeves and win elections, and if we all pitch
>> in together between now and Tuesday, we can help Sen. Obama win the
>> biggest primary day in American history. Think about it: volunteering
>> during the next four days could mean four years of a progressive
>> president. Can you sign up right now to volunteer for Obama's campaign?
>> Click here:
>> There are lots of ways to help. You can call voters from home, go
>> door-to-door with others in your community, travel to "Super Tuesday"
>> states, donate, put up a yard sign, volunteer in a campaign office, or
>> join a local meetup. Senator Obama is running a grassroots campaign, and
>> there's a role for everyone.
>> Many of us feel like change is within reach for the first time in years.
>> Here's some more of what MoveOn members see in Obama:
>> "This country needs real, progressive transformation. Barack Obama is the
>> candidate who gives us the best hope of uniting and inspiring the nation
>> to move in that direction, while also restoring America's dignity and
>> standing as a member of the global community."-James M., Connecticut
>> "While I'm impressed with Clinton and believe she would make a very good
>> president, I'm actually MOVED by Obama. In the end, I believe if Obama is
>> elected he has the potential to bring the country together behind
>> him."-Patricia S., Wisconsin
>> "He was right on the biggest question of the era-opposing the war from
>> the start."-Jacob S., Washington, D.C.
>> "I support Barack Obama for the same reasons I support the
>> more people are inspired to get involved, the better the outcome for our
>> country. Senator Obama has demonstrated a unique capacity to inspire
>> participation and to make public service 'cool' again. He is also sound
>> on all the issues that matter to me and my family."-Liz B., New York
>> "I live in a red state, and I see my conservative neighbors and friends
>> showing a positive interest in Barack. They like him. They are ready to
>> be swayed. And I see my Democratic friends and family members getting
>> excited like never before...With Barack as our candidate, I am convinced
>> that we can win in a landslide in 2008 and usher in a new era of
>> progressive politics."-Desirina B., Georgia
>> To be clear, we won't always agree with all of Obama's positions. And
>> MoveOn members said overwhelmingly that, regardless of who wins the
>> Democratic nomination, we'll work hard to win the White House in 2008.
>> Whatever happens in the primary, we'll push the Democratic nominee to
>> campaign progressively and then we'll push them to fulfill their promises
>> after they win.
>> The building of a progressive consensus around Senator Obama is tangible.
>> Earlier this week, John F. Kennedy's daughter Caroline Kennedy said Obama
>> is the first presidential candidate to be as inspirational as her
>> father.2 Yesterday, progressive magazine The Nation said that electing
>> Obama is "a chance we can't pass up."3 And then, the most
>> widely read progressive blog, announced Obama won 76% in a reader poll
>> this week.4
>> It's time to get to work electing a president who is inspiring a nation
>> and is talking about big, progressive change. Click here to volunteer in
>> these next crucial days:
>> This is just the beginning of a long road to victory in November. Thanks
>> for all you do, and will do to change our country for the better in 2008.
>> -Eli, Wes, Joan, Justin, Adam G., Adam R., Ilyse, Karin, Nita, Noah,
>> Marika, Laura, Peter, Anna, Matt, Daniel, Carrie, Tanya, and the
>> Political Action Team
>> Friday, February 1st, 2008
>> P.S. As we were about to click "send" we received the following response
>> from Senator Obama. We wanted to share it with you: "In just a few years,
>> the members of MoveOn have once again demonstrated that real change comes
>> not from the top-down, but from the bottom-up. From their principled
>> opposition to the Iraq war-a war I also opposed from the start-to their
>> strong support for a number of progressive causes, MoveOn shows what
>> Americans can achieve when we come together in a grassroots movement for
>> change. I thank them for their support and look forward to working with
>> their members in the weeks and months ahead."
>> Sources:
>> 1. "Race Tightening Between Obama and Clinton," The Nation, January 31,
>> 2008
>> 2. "A President Like My Father," Caroline Kennedy in the New York Times,
>> January 27, 2008
>> 3. "The Choice," Chris Hayes in The Nation, January 31, 2008
>> 4. "2008: 1/30 results," reader poll, January 30, 2008
>> Support our member-driven organization: Political Action is
>> entirely funded by our 3.2 million members. We have no corporate
>> contributors, no foundation grants, no money from unions. Our tiny staff
>> ensures that small contributions go a long way. If you'd like to support
>> our work, you can give now at:
>> Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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