Friday, March 28, 2008

321energy :: Renewed Oil Exploration Coming Up Short :: Casey Energy Division
The story of oil resources and not reserves in the ground has been estimated to be diminishing world wide for years.
The oil companies know this and the attached chart illustrates it.

This is what 'peak oil' is all about!
The high energy consuming industrial societies are coming to and end and no one has offered a functional alternative solution.
Nuclear, solar, wind or hydro are all limited in various ways. And coal which will continue to be the power producer has never worked well as a transportation energy source. We'll not since the coal and coke vehicles of the forties and they got kinda...smoky!

With out cheap and plentiful 'petroleum' based energy supply's this national grand experiment in exploiting the worlds resources is soon ending.
It's the tooth paste tube analogy.... if you prefer a visual explanation.

What makes this report interesting is our dear leaders... handlers... are finally acknowledging what they have known since at least the mid nineties. And what's that? The games over for the international oil companies. Crude in the future will be controlled by the producing countries.

For a reference: Crude, by: Sonia Shaw, details this and again points out that the corporations understood their would be few new giant fields ever found again. Also this is why no refineries have been built in the U,S. for twenty years.

So the only option left was to steal it by any means necessary. And even that doesnt seem to working as planned

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