Monday, March 3, 2008

Visa IPO?
This maybe the tipping point.
And of course i don't really know... but this is beyond bazaar even for Wall
Street scams.
VISA is offering itself as a IPO.
And what's that? We'll in the nineties the Dotcoms where popping up like
Dandelions on the lawn and the implications was the winds of fortune would
soon plant these seeds every where and Dandelions would morph into money
It was going to be a second coming. And since i have always had some doubt
about the first visit and aswell his reception i sure couldn't understand
why he would want to try for a second landing.
But anyway by early 2001 it was crash and burn for the NASDAQ.

And now Visa which is really just a shell or front for a number of major
banks is going to 'sell itself' to the public as a IPO. And why at this time
of financial crisis and potential crash would this plastic credit
corporation want to pretend it actually had some value in itself?
We'll it seems the banks which own the front i.e., Vista. are in desperate
straights and this is another way... or so they hope to share the damage
with a broader base of new dumb suckers or if you prefer investors.
Will it work? We'll it sure did in the nineties for the Dotcoms and other
make believe entities which also didn't have any actual product other than
reflected smoke. This of course is a generalization to emphasis the present
frantic desperation which resembles the previous high flying bubble.

IPO times... are legal poker games where some cards are shown and then
the other players try and guess what the IPO is actually holding as a hand.
But now the game may also have different players than in the nineties as I
doubt foreign investors will be going anywhere near this financial monster
and especially with the dollar going into collapse.
And then also the retirement funds are finally getting wise and now buying
commodities rather than corporate stocks.

So yes, their is a place where the buck stops here!.. and this maybe it as
this "offering" is humongous even for a initial public offering or IPO.

But what do the banks have to loose since they have already lost every thing
tangible other than the smoke machines?

Yeah, this maybe the turning point we have all been dreading when the fallen
dollar starts it's long march home from all over the world and credit
becomes a myth as inflation and debt dance on the nations corpse.

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