Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Paul Craig Roberts: The Collapse of American Power
Reality check enclosed!
After a weekend on the roller coaster that i think was built by the American
war machine and managed by the Federal Reserve whose motto is: Lets play
Here is some reality..It's still coming apart and going down.
But we are being told:
Rate cut, Blah, Blah. Sell the bank to save the system, Blah, Blah.
The dollars coming back! Lets hear it for the dollar. Blah, Blah.
Oil down, hurrah, hurrah and blah!
Oh, i forgot, the markets now up...cheers, cheers, cheers.
Oops, markets now down. oh well. we tried.
It's the economy.... stupid!

If you read the enclosed which is gloom and doom keep in mind what some
people where saying while the real estate bubble was expanding... "this
isn't real and it won't last." Where they heard? Not that i can recall.

And now when some people point out the nations broke, the toy banks are
broke and we are going to be abandoned by our dearest foreign lender
friends. Again we are hearing.... "they can/will fix it!" ..."we have been
here it's going to be OK." And other significant forms of...
blah de blah!

Actually, It's even worse than what i just wrote. As an example...
It seems it takes the CEO of Star Bucks to announce the economy is now in
rescission for the news media to pick it up and feature this national
disaster story.
And our own dear leader continues to tell us it's just a bump in the road. I
think what he doesnt realize is that bump was a body called: the economy.

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