I know i never seem to give up.
And you get tired of hearing that allot of things in our daily lives may get
worse or scarce or both.
But the sunny side of my message is if you are informed you maybe able to
side step the falling bricks or the chuck hole in the road.
Matt Savior who's site this is offers this is exceptionally well informed on
this subject and is also one of the contributing editors to:
which is the often quoted oil info site in the U.S.
Canada and Europe.
You may want to skim this site the first time around as it is allot to
absorb but it is info you will need to know in the future.
It also has some interesting sub sites and one with merchandise you may find
of interest.
This may bring things somewhat into perspective. Recently when talking with
a neighbor i was told they had made preparations for power outages and a
possible food shortage. And i asked if she though other folks in the
neighborhood where doing that also.
she didn't name them but she assured me she knew of two other families that
had given the issue serious thought and then made 'preparation'. And this is
just on my block.
And I gathered none of these people where doing it at the direction of their
Also, they are not neighborhood organizing because they felt they would have
to know people better first and it was also and issue of perspective and
which might push some peoples fear buttons. People do not want to plan for
The implication here is we are making preparations and great if other are
aswell. But we don't plan to function as the food bank for those who are
seeing things a different way at this time.
I had to agree that today it is the unusual family who would consider
preparing for serious problems. People are expecting the authorities to step
in and distribute food or what might be essential.
Oh yes, I did ask the neighbor if people where concerned about a terrorist
attack. And she said she had not heard anyone who she had talked with
mention that as something they where preparing for.
So I'm concluding these people are not paranoid 'just taking care of
business' as practical folks are inclined to say.
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