this rpt is not developed but it is a significant news story concerning Mexico's crude in the ground reserves. And their is only indirect mention of production. Which is also off significantly and for about four years in a row. It's going to get allot worse in Mexico as a source for our own crude and finished product. Mexico has stated they intend to cut exports before they lower their domestic supply. This is the bomb that's on the front porch and could also roll under our door.
We gave them NAFTA and put the corn framers in Mexico out of business. This is the basic reason for the influx of illegal besides the u.s. corporations encouraging them. It's also a weak domestic economy with runaway unemployment. The U.S. oil corporations current plan is to take over Permaco and divert the production into their pipe line.
Of course this will only lead to more unrest from starving peasants. Who have a history of fighting back when they are starving. For those who have some doubt on that point 'a history of Mexico' makes for good reading. And our roll in Mexico has been very counter productive but extremely helpful to the u.s. corporations. When the U.S. goes for the oil in Mexico we will be told that the Mexicans are inefficient and can't anylonger run their oil production facilities so 'we' which is EXXON will have to step in and save them from themselves.
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