Tuesday, March 4, 2008

'Enjoy life while you can' | Environment | The Guardian

For those who might want their 'earth system science' direct ...this is the
person to read.
James Lovelock, who was a NASA and as well HP scientist along with taking a
degree in medicine and inventing many of the worlds atmospheric instruments
is now ancient but as sharp as ever.
His books (and all are still in print) are very readable by the general
public who have a smidgen of general science understanding.
And though they preseant Lovelock here as gloom and doom and which are his
conclusions regarding our very short future. He personally seems very
compassionate in his perspectives.
It doesnt come across that he is in it for the controversy and his theories
have now been accepted by his peers though it wasn't easy. But time it seems
has proven him right and also he is still here at 88 years of age.

And he does mention generally people just want to go on doing what they are
doing even if they recognize the significance of what he is predicting. He
seems to be comfortable with that though in his last book he proposed we try
and make the transition to die off as painless as possible for what ever
society we live in.

My own conclusion is people have categorized what he is describing will soon
happen as maybe in the same category of significance as nuclear holocaust.
Nothing can be done by the average person and besides nothing has happened
since we developed nuclear weapons to confirm they will be used in future
wars so why sweat it?

Unfortunately, this is not a valid comparable senerio. Because Lovelock's
position is we are now beyond the point of return and the lights are going
out for us along with most of the surface life what ever we do or don't do.

To confirm this human perspective. If you where told the earth is coming to
an end for you and yours and the person saying this is a prestigious world
renowned scientist would you want to find out for your self if that
statement was valid and what you might be able to do to advert this
catastrophe..if possible? Or even, is their a place that may be safer than
You would thing the answer would be: yes!
We'll i doubt anyone reading this msg will in a week be doing any more than
what they are now to personally determine the credibility of this
Some will out of hand dismiss it because the talk shows say it's all
political. Others will say i got my life to live. And of course others will
say that's to scary and what do i want to know that for. And let's see, some
will suggest just thing nice thoughts and it will all be fine.
And a few will try and save their souls for the here after and which i
personally consider a waste of time.
But if any ...one... is interested to further i would start with his recent
book (2006) The Revenge of Gaia, and then selectively work backwards through
his earlier books starting in the early seventies.
And of course part of the resistance to his perspective was his position
that the earth is self regulating and has been for 3.5 billon years.
It's now been proven over and over he was correct in this theory.

And our own species existence is less than 2 million years and at the
present functional state only a few hundred thousand years.
And as too the theory that we are just going into another cyclical ice age.
As i recall.... he doesnt dispute that.... it's just we will first
experience a global surface cleansing with the earth using storms and
heat/fire as well as flooding.
And this is not personal on the earths part...the earth is just self
regulating as it has been for billons of years.
And then we will have a real 'Day after tomorrow" all dimensional movie.
The 'DaT' 2004 movie has the oceans conveyor current stopping and then New
York city flooding and the U.S. vice president in a helicopter over head
directing the human rescue and evacuation to Mexico where the Mexicans have
been bought off we hope and we all live happly ever after for a price.
And oh yes, they threw in a ice age glacier coming down the American
So it is far more likely that people will see the movie than read the book
...if you get what i mean.
And i do apologize for this msg being so long. But my motivation was i
thought since we all maybe playing significant parts in Lovelocks yet to be
released movie: 2020... i might be forgiven.

And who is going to be the director? Who else but Big ma'am. And of course
we all will get credit as the Producers.
And before someone asks will this also be a plot for a reality show?
Of course! And will it then be taken really seriously? Of course, because
aren't those shows really real? And with real people doing real things to
each other while of course eating really ugh real things.
Now that's real... just like the real refrigerator for real people who need
real snacks when they are getting really TV excited and ......... hungry.

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