Woke up to some local mkt action. A neighbor who i don't know was having his
car repo'd.
The repo man was quick and efficient and apparently it is now a growth
Lehman Bros and Goldman Sachs maybe be the next to experience being eaten
alive by another 'investment bank'.
First it's the Friday rumor then followed by the denials while the behind
the scene butcher shop gets to work.
And this is followed by the announcement that the Fed and the Treasury saved
the day. Big smile while the digestive juices flow.
And 'dear leader' is again stood up to announce it's just another little
bump in the road to freedom, democracy and victory blah, blah.
Or put another way....It's, here come look under this cabbage plant ...while
we rob the bank.
Speaking of banks.... the food banks are running very low on hand outs.
But old people should have known this could happen so it's their own fault.
Martin Goldberg who is consistently more right than wrong is offering charts
which indicate that 'bumpy road' may actually be a mine field.
So we still have collapsing home loans and balloon mortgages, auto repo's
and of course delinquent credit card debt.
And don't get sick!
Dear leader assures us that '$600 check in May' is going to make us all
well. Did you ever wonder where Dear leader found that $160 billon to send
to the citizens?
How about Printing Press..and helicopter drops from the sky.
So it's really just national inflation..Which is give it to us here and
then steal it back when we are not looking.
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