Sunday, March 30, 2008

Can Starbucks Get a Fresh Jolt? - TIME

a very reveling article and actually one of the lead articles in the current issue of Time magazine.... the bus riders bible. It didn't make the cover story that was reserved for the corn/ethanol debacle which i believe they are very accurately defining as a tragic energy/grain scam. The biofuel bis. apparently is wiping out the South American rain forest and pronto! Check out the panoramic picture if you go to that story aswell. The Starbuck emotional induced image of.... your.....friendly upscale and exotic coffee spot which is offering you warmth and comfort has become somewhat tarnished. Especially when we lift the curtain and confront the 10,000 national outlets. Yes, that foamy beverage with whip cream and chocolate flakes on top is a high priced comfort food. That is dispensed by a national fast food and drink joint and that we are encouraged to feed at least five bucks on every visit. Do we need this to satisfy our ego's desire to be a coffee flavored milk shake gourmet? If kids learn nothing else in college they learn where the Starbuck's is located. Am I opposed in either practice or principle to coffee shops. Not abit as they serve a much need public service while dispensing caffeine. Samuel Johnson had nothing but good to say regarding coffee shops in his day or as i recall Boswell mentioning.
So after the Starbuck stock dropped about 40% they called back the heavies to find the yellow brick road to the bank.
And now Time has devoted a few pages to telling 'Uncle Howe's... Starbuck story. It's present as a: man meets bean love story. I have nothing against Starbucks as they do pay the employees health benefits. And that's if they are working a full week and a few other requirements to qualify. And i sure don't intend to confront my bad habits while sitting in a plastic booth at McDonald's.
But what is really revealing to me is the significant American national industry has become a chain of fast food and drink... drive through shops. Big money with a large profit margin. But still not producing a fundamental product. Coffee shops if we really take a close look are in the category of a luxury consumer personal convince and service. My point is..... they manufacture nothing and Time magazine is treating them as a national industry in crisis. If they where to go under and they won't ...10,000 mom and pops caffeine shops would soon take their place. We'll actually that would be my own best possible senerio.
When Chrysler motors was going under before the bail out or maybe World com more recently.... now those could be considered high finance industrial big news.
And now with Starbuck being portrayed as having that same significance; i believe it is again indicating our days as a major international producer and manufacturing nation are in the past.

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