Sunday, March 16, 2008

Rescue Me: A Fed Bailout Crosses a Line - New York Times

The attached NYTimes article on the current investment bank melt down is the
most through and descriptive that we are being offered. It also describes
why the Fed is not letting Bear Stearns fail as it should.
They consider the consequences as worse than the price we will be expected
to pay.
Of course we are being spoon fed the bad news as this article points out and
even what acutely will happen to B-S in the next week or so is not
The whale carcass will be drug up on the rocks and the scavengers will go at
it with cleavers as theirs money to be made from a fresh kill.

Though they are stating they are intending to save the Bank and the system
the slaughter will actually go on while the Fed pretends to weep over the

Could this affect mom and pop America? You better believe it as the money
the Fed is printing is fiat 'play money' that will eventually end up in our
wallets as that is the way bank robbery from the top works. They move the
junk down to the suckers as fast as they can shovel it.

Also, though it is not mentioned in this piece their are a few other
problems besides bundled mortgages that have no market value and on ALL of
the banks books.
They have the same problem with car loans that they will never collect and
credit card debt that never will be paid. And the foreign central banks
dumping dollars is the one they NEVER mention even to each other. That's
musical chairs where all the chairs go missing at once.

But on the up side. Our own Dear Leader at a press conference last week
stated everything is OK with the countries economy... it's just that we have
hit a rough spot.
Do read the enclosed as it's much better than most analysis being but forth.

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