Saturday, March 15, 2008

Fwd: Just the end of your way of life.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: larry
Date: Fri, Mar 14, 2008 at 9:51 PM
Subject: re:Just the end of your way of life.

This note is in reference to your recent essay @

and which i was glad to see was being featured on the 321gold site today.

Thank you for defining the real world versus the one we are being offered
and unfortunately which many people have been accepting as reality.

As you point out you have to first believe in the nations fiat money to play
the game. And now we are finding out the game maybe over. So maybe we can
make some assumptions as to what will be next for the economy.
At this moment we are on the leading edge of a national economic crisis and
people maybe slightly more receptive to considering their are deep problems
which are not being presented and addressed.
So what is ahead for us is completely knew to our collective memory. The
crash of 1929 is not repeating itself in 2008 as this current event will be
far deeper and different in scope aswell.
Keeping us distracted with fear of the 'man in the cave' will not be
effective if we loose our jobs, homes and hunger and cold become our

You mentioned your 'sequel' essay will discuss which state will succeed
first and i assume because of economic issues..
And I agree the fabricate of this false national unifying reality soon will
rip. And primarily in my opinion because an expanding empire continues to
need a 'food source' at its margins. All empires are continually hungry and
We are now experiencing the indications of a contracting industrial empire
and we will have to turn on ourselves... or maybe our close neighbors to
satisfy the nations corporate need to continue to consume.

Though, as to how this will play out i doubt it will be a 'state' that will
disengage. My conclusion is it MAYBE be a regional break up of the U.S.
The national government is loosing it's means of persuasion with the states.
It's also broke and a forceful response to state problems will be difficult
with the reduced military forces in the homeland.
Un-thinkable? Maybe by the people at this time but it is considered as a
'national security issue' by those who are designated to ponder such

It seems their are five regions in this 'nation' which are defined by
culture, economics or geography. So it will first be a self identity issue
for these regions and then an acknowledgment amongst those states to their
actual relationship to each other.
And the homogenous overlay of the national federation will begin to shred.
And then we will have another ...reality.

Of course it will not be pleasant and their are other factors at play such
as regional wealth in resources and strategic location as well as population
density issues. Though ethnic issues will be a consideration especially in
the 'new' Latino areas. Those being reclaimed by the people coming from the
central American states.
But generally it will be the rich areas verses the marginal inland economic
And the break up will be motivated by the expense burden for the 'haves' as
the poorer areas will not be seen as contributing to the more wealthy areas.

And just using a few word tags on horror stories that we also have coming
our way.
We have peak water, peak oil, peak grain, and why not peak climate! Though
the preferred term is climate change - effects.
And fortunately we may not experience this one directly but ...peak world
population which will also involve over-shoot and then die off. You referred
to the other 95% of the worlds population and that they are not happy with
our self indulgence at their expenses. So as they are experiencing die off
they will be looking for someone to share the blame with and "Dam Yankee
gringo godless barbarians" just may come to mind.
And that's even if we have split into regional clusters i don't think that
will absolve us or exclude us from world reaction.


Is their a U.S. 'corporate government' response to what is happening to this
nation at it's fundamental level? I believe the corporations and it's
servants in high places are already on that for their own gain.

If the U.S. corporate empire needs continual new sources of raw materials,
energy and a young manageable labor force then the plan which is now being
considered by the U.S. Canada and Mexico maybe their answer.
A 'all for one fiat currency' and complete access for the labor forces to be
located where the corporation may find it to their advantage.

Both Canada and Mexico now furnish us crude oil and natural gas as well as
other mineral resources. These will need to be assured as a continuous
source of supply. Mexico is indicating a demising crude oil supply. And they
intend to cut exports first.. We'll we can't have that as the empire must
come first.
And eventually a U.S. empire response to the industrial power of Europe as
well as Asia. We as a nation have fallen behind Europe and Asia in
....industrial momentum.
So the consolidation is imperative for the corporate survival of the U.S.
Empire as a regional quick fix.
Extracting the wealth of the nation by money manipulation and the export of
the industrial base to Asia has it's limitations. And they are now becoming
very evident.
Thank you again, Larry
And I am sending your important essay to others who i believe will also
appreciate it.

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