Wednesday, March 5, 2008

EarthLink - Finance

I sent this out or at least the '12 steps to economic collapse' last week
along with how totally mindless and un-aware our dear leader seems to be on
national economic matters.
You may recall he seemed to think now was a dip in the road to better times
But this story is packaged better so it may get more attention if you happen
to send it on to friends and relatives.

Along with the current rumor of Citti probably failing it is really starting
to be apparent even to the sight-less we are now digging our own graves.

The current estimate of cost for the two.... on going.... wars is now
estimated to be two or three trillion dollars. I have an article that puts
it all in one trash bag and comes up with a possible 5 trillion total.
That number is quite a few times the dimension of the universe but
apparently that is not stopping our dear leaders. And maybe that's because
they can't count.

I have received two concerned msgs from friends that we must support the
military budget or expenditures to maintain national security from the
terrorist. This of course will be McCain's core campaign position as it will
be very hard for him to discuss the state of the nation and it's people. So
fear of attack is about all that will be left.
And is it possible we will experience another false flag attack? It worked
before so why not again?

Our current 'defense' budget is somewhere over $550 billon which is more
than the combined expenditures of all other countries listed in the survey.
source: CDI..Center for Defense Information...which is composed of retired
military field grade officers.
Also, that does not count black box or funds to our allies. We'll we have
only one self serving ally in the middle east war if disregard Pakistan.
Though the KSA is signed on under the 1946 contract of oil for protection
from their people and neighbors.

Chine spends about $65 billon per year on Defense. And they take it right
off the top of the U.S. trade balance as it comes and goes so we even pay
for that aswell or so i have read.

Now i recognize this may become very difficult for the American arms
manufacturing industry business and in turn the stock holders such as the
Cargill group which is composed of the very wealthy and by invitation only.
It's the Bush family and friends.

But i doubt any nation going into depression and i think it will be
depression...or the... 13th step not described here... which is actually the
door knocker to hell and this is where we will eventually land.

So will we fail in securing 'security' if they continue to manufacture
weapons rather than caring for the nation and it's people?
Also, history has never been kind to the Empires who imploded because their
only products became weapons and continual wars.

We as a country are becoming third world... but in our case we are riding
around in late model gas hogs which are actually owned by the credit
lenders. And as they mention in one of the 12 steps. These loans are now
being recognized to be questionable. And additional layer of unsecured loans
along with the plastic money is what they are being seen as.

None of the above seems subversive to me unless speaking against organized
greed and theft qualifies. I consider it more like just plain balancing the
scales to maintain national sanity and security.

My back ground qualifications: I am a Republican who supports Ron Paul and
who came up going to church on Sunday. We'll in those days that's where the
girls seemed to like to appear in dresses and smile at me because they just
knew i was such a good Christian boy.

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